Achieve Your Wellness Goals

With Acupuncture 

Why Acupuncture?

Acupuncture being done on Alex's upper back

Acupuncture has been effective in treating pain, infertility, and chronic and painful debilitating disorders, which have no clear explanation or origin. Many who are not experiencing disease also seek treatment to maximize their wellness and maintain balance. The greatest reason to begin acupuncture treatment is to cultivate vitality and radiant health and to stimulate the tremendous healing power of the body, mind and spirit.

How Does Acupuncture Work?

acupuncture needles next to a moxa box

This highly effective system of medical care is based on natural laws, which govern the movement of vital life giving energy, both in nature and in the body. This energy, called “chi”, moves through the body in precise channels supporting functions of the body, mind and spirit. When the chi is moving dis-harmoniously, imbalance begins to surface in the form of symptoms like pain. To address the underlying cause of a condition, these symptoms are viewed in relationship to the totality of a person. The gentle insertion of hair thin needles at specific points along the channels, help restore harmony.

My Acupuncture Story

One of the best ways for a new patient to understand how acupuncture works is to hear about someone's personal experience! This is my experience with acupuncture.

“I began acupuncture treatments in 1998 after suffering for 3 years with a herniated disk from a car accident. I sought and used western medicine and still suffered daily with pain in my back, down my arm, and down my leg. After my first acupuncture treatment I felt relief. The pain was not completely gone, yet I felt different. There was more ease in my body, and I experienced a lightness that I hadn't felt in years. 

I continued with treatment and over time the pain went away. I realized that acupuncture was doing more than just relieving my back pain. The effects were I was happier, I was sleeping better, and I had more energy. I observed as old emotions and unresolved issues would sometimes come up. I would have a physical sensation followed by a sense of freedom or release from that experience or emotion. 

My practitioner shared with me that when an event happens in our lives it can get stuck in the body within the cells and that acupuncture was a way of releasing that old emotion or event and giving us freedom. With the release from the grips of my past I was able to have more clarity, be more present and live my life fully. 

Acupuncture allowed me to become an observer of myself and see how some behaviors and lifestyle choices were not serving me. With treatment I gained the strength to make positive changes to my lifestyle. 

My back pain now shows up as a messenger to remind me to take care of myself, letting me know when I am doing too much, need more sleep, or am not caring for my body as I should. I still receive regular acupuncture treatments and have observed that I get sick less, have more energy, have deeper more harmonious relationships, and feel at home in my body.”

Because you are a unique individual, each acupuncture treatment is uniquely designed to fit your specific needs. In the presence of this subtle yet profound intervention, symptoms often resolve and patients frequently experience renewed vitality. I will treat the deeper underlying cause as well as your symptoms.

I offer a free 15-minute consultation for any new patient. This is a time when I can answer your questions and you can learn more about how acupuncture can help your specific health concerns.

Frequently Asked Questions about Acupuncture

  • Many patients begin acupuncture treatment to find relief from a wide range of physical conditions. The World Health Organization recognizes the ability of acupuncture and traditional Oriental medicine to treat over 43 common disorders including; Gastrointestinal Disorders, Uro-genital Disorders, Gynecological Disorders, Respiratory Disorders, Disorders of the Bones, Muscles, Joints and Nervous System, Circulatory Disorders, Emotional and Psychological Disorders, Addictions, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders. Acupuncture has also been effective in treating other chronic and painful debilitating disorders, which have no clear explanation or origin. Many who are not experiencing dis-ease also seek treatment to maximize their wellness and maintain balance. The greatest reason to begin acupuncture treatment is to cultivate vitality and radiant health and to stimulate the tremendous healing power of the body, mind and spirit.

  • Acupuncture is commonly used to alleviate pain, such as headaches, migraines, and back pain. It can also be beneficial for addressing infertility, women’s health, stress, anxiety, digestive issues, and various other health concerns. Additionally, acupuncture is often sought out for its ability to support overall wellness and preventive care.

  • Most people experience minimal to no discomfort during acupuncture treatments. The insertion of the needles is often described as a slight tingling or dull ache, and any sensations typically subside quickly.

  • The number of acupuncture sessions required varies depending on the individual and the specific condition being addressed. For some acute issues, relief may be felt after just a few sessions, while chronic conditions may require ongoing treatment.

  • Insurance companies are recognizing acupuncture as a covered benefit. As a service to my patients I am happy to verify your insurance and as a courtesy I offer in house insurance billing to all patients who have acupuncture benefits. I currently bill insurance for patients who have acupuncture benefits with Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, Johns Hopkins, VA, and United Health Care.

  • Absolutely not. Many patients come for regular treatments to achieve increased effectiveness and enjoyment in life. Acupuncture can also be a powerful preventative measure to keep patients healthy throughout the year. In China an acupuncturist's job was to keep their patients well. Acupuncturists would get paid only when his/her patients were well. When their patients were sick they wouldn't get paid as it was looked at as if they weren't doing their job.

  • Patients report having less physical pain, improved quality of sleep, being sick less often and recovering more quickly, improvement of vitality and stamina, relationships with others deepening and becoming more harmonious, and reductions in long term health care costs. A recent survey of people who receive acupuncture, conducted by Claire Cassidy, Ph.D., indicates that they see their physicians less frequently and use fewer medications. In addition, over two thirds of those surveyed reported having avoided recommended surgery.

  • Your initial appointment is 90 minutes. During this time, you will have the opportunity to speak at length about your health concerns and I will complete a health history with you. Following the health history you receive your first acupuncture treatment. Follow up treatment lasts 45-60 minutes and is scheduled weekly for the first 4-6 weeks. Once balance is created and treatments start to hold for longer periods of time treatments are spaced out to every other week, every 3 weeks, and so on. This will vary for each patient and I am happy to discuss your treatment plan with you at any appointment.

  • Acupuncture needles are extremely thin, no thicker than two human hairs. The needles have no resemblance to a hypodermic syringe. The needles are individually packaged, sterilized, and disposed of after each use. Most needles are inserted just beneath the skin. Sensations vary from person to person, ranging from nothing at all to a brief ache or feeling of pressure in the area being needled. Some points are more sensitive than others. By and large patients describe the sensations as fleeting and the treatment experience as deeply relaxing.

  • Moxa is made from the herb Mugwort or Artemisia Vulgaris and is used in conjunction with acupuncture needles. The plant is dried, powdered and then formed into a wool-like substance. It is then burned on or above the skin to release its therapeutic properties at the location of acupuncture points. This practice is called Moxibustion. When burned, moxa penetrates the acupuncture channels, increasing warmth, energy (Qi), blood flow, circulation, eliminating cold and the accumulation of fluids. Modern research has shown that Moxa increases the production of white and red blood cells improving blood and lymph circulation and is extremely effective for long standing chronic disease of the internal organs. Burning moxa has a distinct odor that patients generally report as having a pleasant and relaxing smell. The essential oils in the plant have a significant effect as a form of aromatherapy or medicinal incense. A large part of its healing ability is not just the warmth it provides but also the smell of the burning oils.