Allowing Things to Unfold

If you have been around a 5-Element acupuncturist long enough you start to learn about the seasons and the specific energies or qualities that are present during that time of year.
Often Spring time is discussed as a time of doing, moving forward, making a plan, seeing possibilities, and jumping into life. 

Several years ago I began to contemplate that maybe springtime is actually quite the opposite and that it is about allowing, letting ourselves be guided by the already rising energy, not forcing, or trying to make ‘it’ happen. But trusting that from the stillness of winter there is a new beginning, there are new possibilities and all I have to do is show up for them.
In these last few weeks, I have been aware of Spring time as a time to create space for new opportunities to spontaneously arise, without effort, by simply being awake to them. Letting the power of the Springtime energy let me be able to see what is next, not by tirelessly searching, but by being fully present and aware of what is already there as the new beginning.
As Americans, we are fantastic at doing. I trust that you all are very practiced at doing and doing and doing even more, as I know that I am.  I am finding in my life that it is an illusion that doing more or searching more creates a better outcome.  How often does your Google search really come up with the fulfilling answer you were looking for to solve your “problem”?  Yet we still search for the right answer to what we need to feel better or have our desired outcome. 
We want our back pain, shoulder pain, and neck pain to go away?  We want to find the right thing that is going to have you become pregnant quicker. What happens if we soften about the push or the desire to have it be different, accept that it is there, and come from that place of relaxation?  What would happen if we relaxed into the vision we have for change or feeling better or having that desired outcome? 
In recent months I have been practicing Yoga Nidra more regularly.  This is a practice of setting an
intention and then letting it unfold during a guided meditation of relaxation.  Letting the energy of the intention and the relaxation of the nervous system create the outcome, from a place of no effort.
How would life show up for you if you took the effort out of it?  How would your body feel?  Would your muscles relax, would your breath deepen?  Would you be open to what your mind/body/spirit is telling you the next right thing is instead of having to search for your destiny on Google?
Let the uprising energy that creates possibilities during the spring season guide you, use your eyes to see what is already possible, and let it happen without force, doing, or grasping.


Acupuncture Point Triple Heater 12


Acupuncture Point Stomach 40