Tears Of Anger?

Tears come from all Emotions 

And why do we find ourselves apologizing for crying?

Over the last 18 years of practicing acupuncture, I have observed my patients as they cry and notice that often the first thing they do is apologize for their tears. As I have continued observing my patients’ reactions to their tears I noticed some being frustrated and angry about crying, conversations of failure because they cried, some using muscular effort to not let tears be produced, and observed in some that when crying they feel as if it was weakness.

Crying is often associated with being sad and yet tears are produced from all emotions. I have watched over the year that many people are often crying from anger or frustration more than sadness. Humans are the only animals that have the ability to cry. Researchers have found when we have emotions tearing that there are hormones and chemicals secreted in those tears that are not present when we tear from cutting an onion. This has led researchers to believe that the act of crying has health benefits and that this is why it has survived evolutionarily.

I invite you to begin to see the health and wellness benefits of crying. To break down your context of tears being something other than the body freeing itself of emotional response so that it doesn’t get stuck and create disease or pathology later in life. Our body is wise and if we allow it to have its natural processes the more freedom and joy you will have access to.


Chinese Herb He Huan Pi - Albizia Bark