Partnership - Not Competition

As a business owner, I’ve often heard others in business talking about their competition. I have even talked with acupuncture students who say that their business courses are training them in looking at who they are competing with. When engaging in a conversation of competition there is an implied context of scarcity, or a lack of something that we must compete for or have more of something than another has. 

This is not to say that understanding who in the community is offering the same services is not important. Samsung, Apple, and Google all want to know what the other is doing.

But how does this apply to the wellness business? Exactly who is the winner of this competition? The one who can heal the most people, teach the most yoga students, and relax the most stressed-out person?

Our world needs what wellness offers now more than ever. I know that I cannot do it alone. Therefore, it warms my heart to know that I have partners, and other businesses, offering wellness. To know that other acupuncturists just like me are doing the work of healing the mind, body, and spirit.

Over the last 19 years, I have connected with many wellness businesses to create partnerships to serve my patients. I have had amazing conversations with passionate people we are out to make a difference in our community. We can work together, and create win-win situations where we support one another. In turn, we are better able to support you and provide the healing that you, our patients, are looking for.
Take a look at your life.  Is there a place where you feel that you are in competition with another person, colleague, business, or maybe even a family member?  What happens if you soften around that and look for a place of partnership?  Understand the other person's goals and desires. Is there a place to see how you can work with each other so that both of you can achieve the outcome you are looking for? Creating a win-win with another not only helps you but you get the joy of seeing another succeed as well. 
There is an abundance for us all.  Creating partnership create ease in our lives and our bodies while creating competition creates a tightness and defensiveness that doesn’t allow for the free flow of life to unfold with ease or grace.

Try on the shift from competition to partnership and see how your life shows up newly.


Summer & the Fire Element In Chinese Medicine


Chinese Herb Lian Zi, Semen Nelumbinis, Lotus Seed, Nelumbo