Summer & the Fire Element In Chinese Medicine

What are the correspondences associated with the Summer In 5-element acupuncture?
Summer is a time of warmth and light. The sun moves high in the sky and the temperature rises. The
warmth provides fullness in the blossoms of the flowers. Life comes to maturation. Partnership is often
enjoyed in outdoor activities. This is the most expansive time of the year.

Color: Red
Sense Organ: Tongue
Emotion: Joy
Officials: Heart and Small Intestine;
Pericardium and Triple Heater
Gifts of Summer: Warmth,
compassion, partnership, joy,
enthusiasm, love, excitement, fun,
beauty, passion, maturation, laughter,
playfulness and happiness.

The 3 months of summer are called prospering and developing the flower. The qi of Heaven and Earth intertwine the 10,000 beings flower and bring forth fruit. At night, one goes to bed, at dawn, one
gets up. One does not let oneself be overcome by the sun, exerting the will, but without violence, assisting the brilliance of beauty and strength which thus fulfill their promise. One must assist the flow of qi which likes to go to the exterior. This corresponds with the
Summer qi. It is the way that maintains the growth of life.

~ Neijing Suwen Ch.2, The Way Of
Heaven by Claude Larre SJ


Moxa - Part 1


Partnership - Not Competition