The Gift of Being an Acupuncturist

Each day I have the honor of being with people and meeting them exactly where they are.

Sometimes it is being with a patient who is starting their fertility journey with the excitement of being pregnant and starting a family.

Sometimes it’s being with somebody going through their third pregnancy loss.

Sometimes it’s being with someone who for the first time after years of psychotherapy feels an actual physical release in their body and a letting go of an event that has been with them for years.

Sometimes it’s sitting and crying with your patient as they share with you that they just lost a spouse for the second time.

Sometimes it’s the patient who has such horrible back pain that they can’t sleep at night or pick up their toddler, or do the normal things that they would do on a day to day.

No matter what circumstance a patient is dealing with, I am the lucky one.

I am the one who gets to be present with these people to let them know that they’re heard, to let them know that someone cares, to let them know that there is hope, and to create a safe space to be seen.

It is an honor that I get to be with each of you in this way.


Chinese Herb Lian Zi, Semen Nelumbinis, Lotus Seed, Nelumbo


Acupuncture Point Bladder 49 (42 in 5-element)